Re-Inventing the Lamington 2011 Winners (and Losers!)

The decisions have been made!  The Re-Inventing the Lamington 2011 winners have been decided!

Alas, I did not win, though if you take a look at the entries it is hardly surprising; it’s not that mine wasn’t fun and off the wall, but man, most of those entries were done by people who really know how to bake!  I am both humbled and awed by those with whom I competed.  If you haven’t already, make sure you swing back by Delicious Delicious Delicious to look at the week of lamingtons, the competitors, and the final winners.  Very cool.  This year’s winner was Astheroshe.  Check out her post!

Winner: Rehrücken Lamington by Astheroshe

Winner: Rehrücken Lamington by Astheroshe

A cool thing, though: I did get what amounts to an honorable mention!  This year Mr. P had 4 baking bloggers vote for their top 3 lamington recipes, the one with the most votes receiving the first place badge.  And hooray, the n00bington received 1 honest vote from Ms. Humble of Not So Humble Pie!  I’m thrilled to have been considered, even if it had more to do with my lamington’s theme than my actual baking prowess. ^_^ Here’s what Ms. Humble had to say about the n00bington:

Noobcake’s The nOObington

Picking the last one was the hardest. You know that worn out shtick with the angel and devil on your shoulder arguing? Well I totally had that going on over this lamington. Only it wasn’t angels or devils, it was a gamers vs bakers.

The lamington is a bit tongue in cheek and that is why I wrestled with it. Eventually I gave up and admitted my love. With its sugar loaded Mountain Dew frosting, it makes my recent cheesecake post look like health food. The cake is studded with M&Ms and topped off with the emperor of nerd foods, the Cheeto.

This thing is gamer food condensed into a small, even less healthy, bite sized package.

Pure fuel for those World of Warcraft raids that run to 2AM.

I would eat the n00bington. Oh yes I would… and then I would brush my teeth. Twice. Since I’m pretty sure the combo of powdered sugar and mountain dew is more corrosive than hydrochloric acid.

Apparently Ms. Humble gets the gaming crowd.  I was pleased. ^_^

Anyhoo, I’m saddened that I get no baking book or kewpie, but it was still worth the time and effort.  Looking forward to next year’s competition! 😀

Mary Gezo

Formerly of both n00bcakes and !Blog, the two magically become one on Spatialdrift; expect some lazy baking and serious nerditude. Also, I love semicolons.

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