Avocado Ice Cream With Mexican Chocolate Sauce

In celebration of America’s celebration of Cinco de Mayo (let’s be serious, most people just use it as an excuse to drink too much and don’t realize that it is actually not the day of Mexican Independence), our dear friend Mary of noobcakes threw a lovely Cinco de Mayo party. And to this party we brought avocado ice cream and mexican chocolate sauce to go on top.

Not the world’s best styling job but I was tired, okay?

I had been searching my brain all week for something to bring that we could make in advance, that would be easy to transport, and would be gluten-free (GF). We don’t have any medical reasons to be GF, but we choose to be most of the time for the sake of general health. And we have a lot of commitments this weekend where I won’t be in control of what’s being served, so it became very important for me to have one safe thing to eat. (Even if it wasn’t that “safe” because it’s a dessert, but whatever.)

I dimly remembered avocado ice cream from Alton Brown’s excellent avocado episode. Loving this idea, we ran with it. Then I thought it might be too mild, and just wanted to do something fancy, so we elected to go with the chocolate sauce (For those of you GF for medical reasons, this is where you have to be careful and source your ingredients with caution). So here’s how it went down:

Avocado Ice Cream
6 avocados
3 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice.  

In short, we doubled Alton Brown’s recipe as published on the FoodNetwork. I missed the ingredients shot, so we’ll skip straight to the making of.

Purty avocado green!

Mix all the ingredients except for heavy whipping cream with a mixer, then whisk in the heavy cream. Then set in the fridge for a few hours or until it reaches 40 degrees.

Ready to freeze or serve.

Then pop that puppy into your special pre-frozen ice cream mixing bowl, and have it stir with the ice cream paddle for about 15 minutes. That’s it!

Mexican Chocolate Sauce
5 ounces of dark chocolate (62% cacao is what we used) chunks
1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon salted butter (I just used the unsalted as a photo prop, lol)
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
A tiny dash of salt

Now this I pretty much made up. We used a recipe for chocolate chili sauce as a base, but I didn’t feel it was going to cut it, so I fudged with it. As a courtesy, I presented the recipe in the proportion I feel it should have been made – about half of what we did. Basically I mixed all the ingredients and warmed slowly, stirring frequently until everything was melted and smoothly mixed.

Here’s what it looked like before the melting and mixing. You can see in the first image that it wound up being a very dark brown.

Not only did we find the avocado ice cream to be surprisingly delicious on its own, the combination with the mexican chocolate was also very pleasing (which I wasn’t too confident about). Hooray!

In short, we feel this venture was a success and we recommend you try it sometime.

Now enjoy these photos of pinata shenanigans.

Mexican-American Gothic.


Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.

2 thoughts on “Avocado Ice Cream With Mexican Chocolate Sauce”

  1. You forgot to put how many avocados belong in the recipe. And too bad there's not a picture of me almost dying by Andrew's hand.

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