Tennessee Flagstones

This post is almost a week late… what can I say? Life is crazy right now. We have sooo much wedding stuff going on, it’s pretty insane. So here’s what we did last weekend. We wound up going with Tennessee fieldstone/flagstones, with some bluestone pavers for the edging. All in all we had more than six tons of stone arrive at our house Thursday morning. This first image is deceptive; it looks like there is significantly less stone than there actually is – there are several tons in the carport that are in deep shadow as well as some already out on the patio.

Not the best shot – sorry.

One of the dozens of stacks.
Part of the edge laid down and secured. Also some large flagstones.
One of the larger stones, pretty much the size of a shipping pallet and more than an inch thick.
Trying to arrange large unwieldy stones.
Preparing to pour a concrete pad for the steps.
Some stones laid and leveled, others just set in place.
The pad is poured.

That’s the big news. It was a hot, sticky work-weekend (we were in full effect both Saturday and Sunday), full of problems and heavy lifting, with no AC indoors to retreat to (it got fixed today finally). Thanks to the help of LaTonya, Steven A., and Ashley, we somehow got through it.

Hopefully this weekend will go more smoothly! In the meantime we are all over mosquito control, table/chairs/linens/plates/flatware rentals, flowers and final touches on the catering. With just over a month until the day, it’s go-time!


Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.