May Flora

The end of May has the fine Southern Magnolias in full bloom, the hydrangeas going, and the trumpet vine getting started. Good stuff.

hydrangeas – and magnolia in the background

Trumpet Vine

There are also some edibles going – raspberries and blackberries are working their magic, and we’ve even managed to get a few mulberries before the birds.



Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.

2 thoughts on “May Flora”

  1. gorgeous everything! jealous of your hydrangea, just planted some tiny ones and i can't wait for them to get huge!

  2. thanks! i wish i could take credit for the hydrangeas, but in truth it was all the previous owner, Mr. Crowder, and probably some of my neighbors who are members of a hydrangea society. They have every color of hydrangea you could imagine… pale lavender, hot pink, ones with bright gold leaves… awesome stuff.

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