Frequency of Posting (Or Lack Thereof)

As a mentioned a while back, I haven’t been posting a lot. Some of this is to do with this being a bit of a stressful, busy and distracting time in my life, and me feeling a bit drained as a result. But there’s another reason:

Torchlight is the reason. The whole idea of retiring your character to get a super-improved heirloom to pass down to a new character has me stuck in some infinite loop. The first go-’round was Simon and Garfunkel (by the way having pets take your stuff into town is the bomb). The second was Simon and Kamina – you get a virtual cookie if you are the first to name the reference along with some indication that you are familiar and not just a Google whiz. Actually, I’ll give you a virtual cookie and anything currently sitting in my Goodwill box, which I think currently contains two pairs of women’s shoes, an art book, a film book, hair clips and a couple shirts. Maybe there’s something cooler, but I doubt it. And I am too lazy to go check. Anyway. By the third round of Simon, I had to use Wikipedia to do a bit to searching before settling on Simon and Simon, referencing a TV show that I have never seen. But it has a 7/10 on IMDb.

Simon III will probably be my last run for a while, at least as an alchemist. I will roll a new one to see how the heirloom turned out and to free up the shared item trunk, but I think I am just about played out. Simon III, pictured above is level 18 and has more than 35% chance to crit. I feel like I’ve basically got it down to a science. So then I guess it will then be time to delve back into the world of Minecraft. Oh, and blog more. That, too.


Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.

2 thoughts on “Frequency of Posting (Or Lack Thereof)”

  1. Is there any multiplayer available for this game yet? I haven't played it in a year or two, but that might convince me to give it another try. 😀

    Also, I hear cookies and cheesecakes help you feel less stressful and busy, but more distracted.

  2. The cookies and cheesecakes definitely help!!!

    Torchlight MMO is set to come out later this year, but in the meantime there are people working on a mod to let you do multiplayer. Not sure how/if that is coming along.

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