Amsterdam V: Street Art

This is the last post from this vacation. So, if you’re totally sick of it, take heart.

As someone who has had a lifelong appreciation of graffiti, I am prone to taking a lot of street art pics whenever I travel. I have many such photos from Atlanta, NYC,  and New Orleans. It is always fun to see how different cultures are represented through this medium across different locales.

Here’s a collection of my favorites from Amsterdam. Be forewarned: one does have the F-bomb.

Crazy-looking chick on a nightclub ad gets a moustache.

Fight da Power! Even in Amsterdam.
Another lady gets mustachioed. 
Under the paving stones lies the beach!” “Animal friendly meat does not exist.” “Dangerous Voltage”
A graffitied overpass spotted on our canal tour.
Some kind of fantastic, asian-inspired scenery.
BOOM building, with Occupy-related banners. There was a very small Occupy encampment in a small park near the Dam.
Fantastic piece of art with religious iconography, Apple, KFC, Shell, McDonald’s, Mercedes, BP, Coke, Chik-fil-A, Adidas, Nestle, Disney. Consumerism as a religion.
Dunno anything about this, but it looks cool.
Dia de los Muertos scen of a cop about to beat a graffiti artist?
Flaming parrot and other goodies.


Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.