Say Hello to Mary!

Today, I am happy to welcome Mary to the spatialdrift fold. Longtime readers know her from n00bcakes, !blog, and as the mistress of the cake at my wedding. As of yesterday we merged all of the back-posts for both of her blogs into the database here at spatialdrift, and all of her awesome content is […]

Four-Year Blogiversary!

Can you believe it? Today is the spatialdrift’s four-year blogerversary! It all started out in 2010 with a half-baked idea to make something to write regularly, a post about making sushi at home on a free Blogspot blog, and no small amount of inspiration coming from working closely with consummate bloggers Lar and Cath of […]

Beer-Candied Bacon Fudge

To wrap up Bacon Week 2014, we took that good batch of beer-glazed bacon and made bacon fudge! I got this idea on Pinterest as well, but I didn’t like the approach outlined by the site I saw, so I flew by the seat of my pants on this one, too. We started with the […]

Bacon Week: Bacon Apple Pie (Take Two)

Remember the bacon apple pie from last year? It looked pretty damn amazing if I do say so myself, but its performance in pleasing my palate was less than I could have hoped for. Well, I made a remix of this concept on the fly this year after accidentally burning a bunch of beer-candied bacon. […]

Bacon Week: Bacon Chickpea Soup

Our next Bacon Week cooking adventure is a fairly simple soup featuring a half-pound of bacon. The inspiration and the basic recipe is from Mrs. Ellwood’s Simple Life and was found on Pinterest. I’ve never made chickpea soup before, but the hubs and I frequently enjoy lentil soup, split pea soup, and bean-heavy chilis, so […]

Bacon Week: Beer-Candied Bacon

It’s Bacon Week time once again! We’re kicking it off with a remix of part of a past recipe: the candied bacon from the maple bacon ice cream. Once again, with feeling! This year though, we’ll be using a recipe found on, in order two best combine two of the best things food things […]

Gingerbread Roll Cake

Over at n00bcakes, my fancy-pants baking blog (protip: it is neither fancy nor contains pants), I baked up an interesting recipe recently.  If you read it you’ll find that I actually hold a certain amount of animosity towards this cake, but the good news – spoiler alert – is that we make amends and I […]

Thanksgiving Blagging

It’s been tough to keep up with NaBloPoMo during this Thanksgiving week.  Not only am I spending this week with family and friends, but I’m also spending a lot of it in full-time programmer mode with my new self-employment venture (including late-night dinner meetings – DARN YOU DINNER MEETINGS!) So I hope you’ll forgive me […]

Minimalism Week 4: Finishing Up

Hey hey!  I’m several weeks behind in this final post, but it’s time for me to report on the last week of the 30-Day Minimalism Challenge!  Here’s the list of the last tasks required: Take your time: This evening take your time – with everything. Once you relax for the evening it’s time to turn off […]

Simplicity In September – Week Three

Farewell, Week Three of the 30-Day Minimalism Challenge. How I never knew ye…. This week went by so fast I could barely keep up. This may have something to do with blogging and doing freelance on top of my regular full-time gig. But enough about my issues. Let’s see how this week’s challenge played out, […]

Minimalism Week 3: Breaking Habits

Another week, another set of minimalism challenges.  Here’s the set for this week: Sleep on it (rather than immediately buying an item you want, sleep on it and consider the pros and cons of owning it) Tackling sentimental items Declutter your shoe collection Virtual disconnect (a 3-day challenge) Keep only the necessities in the kitchen […]

Lighting Figures for Cheap

Since I bought a nice second-hand DSLR from my buddy Emily over at SpatialDrift I’ve been slowly but surely figuring out how to take nicer pictures.  For both this blog and my baking blog, n00bcakes, I have a habit of taking pictures in the evenings when the light is at best “sub-par”; I finally took […]

Bacon Week: Maple Bacon Ice Cream

For my Bacon Week finale (I can’t make it to BaconFest this year), we have here some maple bacon ice cream. I casually perused the internet for bacon ice cream recipes and ruminated on my recent experience with the floppy, unappetizing bacon in the bacon apple pie, I decided to go with a crispy candied […]

Bacon Week: Bacon Apple Pie

I ask you: what could possibly be more all-american than apple pie? Nothing, except maybe bacon. So, why not combine them? That would be, like, super-american. Like, AMURRICAHN. Seriously, though, as soon as I saw this intriguing bacon apple pie recipe from the Loveless Cafe on Pinterest, I knew we were destined to be joined […]

Bacon Week: Bacon and Brussels Sprouts Scramble

For day two of Bacon Week 2013, I made a bacon and brussels sprouts hash/scrambled eggs dish. I first saw this recipe concept on Pinterest. That particular pin linked to this Food for My Family recipe, which serves as the springboard for today’s Bacon Week celebration meal. Ingredients: 1 lb bag of Brussels sprouts 1/2 […]

Bacon Week: Avocado, Bacon, and Crab Bowl

It’s n00bcakes’ Bacon Week time again! Bring on America’s pork product of choice! I wasn’t able to join in last year, due to my own disorganization, so I was extra careful to pay attention and ensure that I would be able to participate as much as possible this year. To start off Bacon Week 2013, […]