The Patio Push Continues


Being six weeks behind schedule will really light a fire under your arse. This weekend, with the help of Mary, Kate and Ashley we got all the gravel we hauled last week tamped down, hauled all the sand and tamped all of it down. We put up brackets for the hanging baskets. My mom came over and helped me pot a bunch of succulents and cacti for our hanging baskets and specimen collection. This morning, Adam stained the patio posts while I whitewashed wooden stakes for hanging the bunting. In short, we got a lot of work done. Again. Hooray.

Patio with the sand going in, lower patio mostly filled with dirt.
Tamped sand.
Hanging baskets, yay.

Post as it was last week.
Stained and planter-ed.
Hanging basket featuring Autumn Joy sedum, Coral reef sedum and Senecio radicans glauca.
Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldier’
Baby Toes Fenestraria aurantiaca.
Split Rock Pleiospilos netii
Another hanging basket – Autumn Joy sedum, Coral Reef sedum and Ghost Plant, Graptopetalum paraguayense.
Burro’s Tail: Sedum burrito
Autumn Joy sedum.
Coral Reef stonecrop.
Unidentified cactus.
The Curioisty Plant “mimi”: Cereus peruvianus monstros cv. Emphasis on the monstros, methinks.

I also got a two specimens not pictured here: Little Jewel, Pachyveria glauca and – best name ever – Flapjacks, Kalanchoe luciae. I love plant names. Since I’ve typed Autumn Joy three or four times so far in the post, I really want an Almond Joy candy bar.

Anyway, that’s about it for this week. Next week will hopefully be… dun dun DUN… laying the bluestone top for the patio. I’m pretty concerned about that step, so I’ll be sure to post an update about how it goes.


Nerd. Foodie. Gamer. Homecook. Perpetual planner. Gardener. Aspiring homesteader. Direct response graphic designer. I use too many damn commas.

8 thoughts on “The Patio Push Continues”

  1. Looks great!! I can see how much work you all are putting into this. I can't wait to meet this patio in person! 🙂

  2. It looks great Emily! I love the hanging pots. Also I got a kick out of "Mary, Kate, and Ashley" all I could think of was the Olsen twins jaja.

  3. I see that photo and think the same thing I did at the end of the workday yesterday: I can't believe we're so close to the end! It's looking awesome and I'm dying to get to the end result!

  4. That looks fabulous, Emily! Love that it's finally getting back up to speed, and I'm glad I've been able to help out the last few weeks!

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