Thanksgiving Blagging

It’s been tough to keep up with NaBloPoMo during this Thanksgiving week.  Not only am I spending this week with family and friends, but I’m also spending a lot of it in full-time programmer mode with my new self-employment venture (including late-night dinner meetings – DARN YOU DINNER MEETINGS!)

So I hope you’ll forgive me last few posts for being a little…anemic.  What I’m hoping to do for the next few days is actually send you guys to my baking blog.  Traditionally the week of Thanksgiving is the “Thanksgiving Dessert Bonanza” on n00bcakes wherein I spend the week baking multiple desserts for my family’s Turkey Day dinner.  Since I’ll still be blogging I hardly think this can be construed as ‘cheating’ at NaBloPoMo, so be on the look out the next couple days for some tasty food blogging goodness promo’d to n00bcakes!

Mary Gezo

Formerly of both n00bcakes and !Blog, the two magically become one on Spatialdrift; expect some lazy baking and serious nerditude. Also, I love semicolons.

One thought on “Thanksgiving Blagging”

  1. n00000000000000000bcaaaaaaaaakes! Always welcome, despite my never attempting the non-magician-yet-somehow-magical feats that you attempt on that blag. Looking forward to reading of this holiday’s baking endeavors! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING 😀

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