Delicious Delicious Delicious: Re-Inventing the Lamington 2011

Mr. P from Delicious Delicious Delicious is starting another round of his Re-Inventing the Lamington contest from last year.  I didn’t catch wind of the contest or even what a lamington was until far too late in 2010, so I am pretty excited to have a competition this year in which I can compete!

For anyone who doesn’t know what a lamington is (I certainly didn’t) it’s a small square cake typically covered in a chocolate shell and rolled in dessicated coconut.  I thought “dessicated” was an interesting (if rather violent) adjective for coconut, but I suppose it’s exactly as descriptive as it needs to be.  Here’s Wikipedia’s lamington description (including the picture below).



The lamington originated in Australia, interestingly enough, and I’ve confirmed this from a fellow Australian or two from my online gaming (not that I thought the internet was lying; I had just never heard of them and wanted supporting evidence).  I’m not sure how I managed to go through my whole life without ever hearing of them, but now that hole of knowledge can be filled.  With cake.

The picture above shows a lamington with a center layer, but according to purists, apparently a “real” lamington is a solid cake; no filling is required.  That’s where real lamingtons and this competition diverge: Mr. P wants the craziest and most creative lamington creations we can think of, and I think that sounds like wicked fun.

So if you’re a baker, I say have some fun and go make a some lamingtons!  Mr. P has a basic lamington recipe to get you started as well as some simple contest rules, but other than that it’s basically a license to go wild.  Good luck, and stay tuned for my personal lamington experiment.

Mary Gezo

Formerly of both n00bcakes and !Blog, the two magically become one on Spatialdrift; expect some lazy baking and serious nerditude. Also, I love semicolons.

2 thoughts on “Delicious Delicious Delicious: Re-Inventing the Lamington 2011”

  1. Hmmm… if you need a test audience call me up! I am fairly skeptical about dessicated coconut, but at the same time, I have faith in your abilities to make something I’d love. Can’t wait to see the follow-up!

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